Thursday, February 12, 2009

Joe's Journal

It is fun living in Ecosia. I go to school at 8:30 have lunch around 12:30 and get off at 4:30. The teachers are really nice and the playground is huge. At school everyone gets to choose what classes they want, when they want it, and with whom they want it with. We have two state of the art computer labs that are run on last week's lunch. Did I mention that everyone has their own PDA/Cell phone like device (We call it PCD) that runs on solar energy? All the kids get one when we get into school. We have mandatory gym everyday for three hours, but that's alright. I just plug my PCD in and it gets recharged as I work out. On the weekends, I could either go to the gym to meet with my friends to see who can run the most, go to the movies, or the arcade store. Since Ecosia is a Mobile city, the movie theater has all the latest movies from around the world. Not to mention that if I wanted to buy the latest videogame I don't have to wait for it to be released in my country because I can just get it when Ecosia travels to that country. How cool is that! Too bad for all the other gamers, they have to wait for it to be released where they live. Ecosia's such a good place to live in.

1 comment:

  1. i like how this person is very healthy
    your society seems very fit and in shape
    i also like how in your society u dont have to wait in the long lines for the latest hits

    -amy gee
